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Raging Ferret

Originally Putorius (the ferret) was going to have his own game in which you would go around masacrating cute bunnies but the project got cancelled and he got published in Unity's Asset Store. Staff picked in October 2016 (exactly one year after publication).


I modelled and rigged him in Maya and then the mesh got corrupted with the backups I had, so I imported the mesh in Blender and rigged him again, made more than 29 animations for him as well.

Animations showcase:

This is how the rig looks like in Maya.

This is how it looks like in Blender (just the controller bones). 

He also has animations for three fire weapons that aren't included in the Unity Asset Store package. They were going to ship in a second package but never got finished because the studio needed me to work on another project.

I modelled the weapons in Blender and textured them in Substance Painter.

This is most of the concept art I used made by Alejandro Aguirre C.

Concept art
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